Saturday, May 30, 2009

The DAY it was so much to offer……

I never CHANGE….. Does that mean I never accept change or I never need change..

It was a like droplet on LOTUS LEAF……

It was difficult to talk………..

I am sill whining…… about lot of things…….

I was gazing……

I was moved…..

I had a haircut and a great time at saloon…

I did have a great time spent @AIRTEL showroom in madhapur…and my hello tune rocks

I am single again and I am still confused at this… whether I should cherish or curse for that…..

I used to enjoy solace… now I shop more… :(

Fan got repaired… and got cleaned and shining….

My weight is getting heavy on me….

Arts are always ignored… our priorities in this world are making us dumb……

What else this day has to offer I am waiting…

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