Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mirrors everywhere

There were times when there is no way to see them while they can see the whole world through the eye. Now, as usual humans got curious and invented the mirrors. Initially it is fascinating and everybody wanted that. People are used to say that “I love to see myself in a mirror.. I love to see myself in a reflection…I love to see how do I look” and when one finds that something is not good they used to check them in the mirror and adjust, adapt and evolve to look better in their mirrors rather than themselves.

They are happy as they are once as soon as they kept the mirrors they lost their own face of truth. Now, they don’t exist their reflection exist. Now, my whole space in my room of life is not there any more. It is filled up with mirrors and mirrors. How many may u meet u make them as a mirror and keep it ur room.

Now everybody wants the lies as they are smoother and happier. When I ask why they say what is wrong with a little lie to keep up their status quo ante… Once there was a research done in which they found that when two unknown people are put together to they alone in a room the tendency of each to lying about themselves to each other is more. Because people see them from others eyes or otherwise known as social mirrors.

Breaking those mirrors or seeing through them is easy and none tries that. When you ask why they have no answer or the fact is they are not daring enough to see them as they are. Might be they don’t want to be moved out of their comfort zone.

When every thing is perspective why stay within the mirrors. Come out and stay as u are. And I am not asking u to abandon the mirrors. They are useful. Use them for the purpose they are made. Make the mirror in which u see yourself candidly. Use ur mirror to judge u rather than others. Once u do that all use u as a mirror to reflect their image.

And becoming a mirror for others is not the ultimate goal. Looking urself in ur mirror. And making others do the same things like you will help rather than u replacing other mirrors. Then u will be neither replaceable nor recyclable.

Now I am with no mirror and people are gonna suffer including me as they may get hurt with the image of truth or I may get hurt because of the image I am producing. It might be the start later there won’t be any more mirrors in my life.

Media uses such mirrors to create images. So stay to the right things in the media.

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