Thursday, March 1, 2012

Once again Closure

I was watching something’s gotta give, and then I realized how we used to see the titles role up in college as it has got the beautiful titles rolling up ;) I was looking for certainty in my life. I use to send forwards a lot, people used to remember me for that. Because of that few acquaintances became friends and few friends’ acquaintances. It was a funny story though.

Out of all those mails i used to share, i liked few, a bit very much. I always used to see a particular mail go in circles and circles. It used to say that if you are not replaceable you are not needed at work.

Our my minds were so cross wired that they always mingle things up and juggle up our lives a lot. I am being brought up in hostels from adolescence like most of us. I never knew what do in a break. After classes there were study hours, then food then study hours then bed. When i joined the rat race i was not known of what to do after the work. I tried having girl friends they weren’t fruitful either.

I started seeing them as a task to complete rather than a fun to last forever. We all might have sailed the same boat. But the only difference is i am still single sailing while other sailing with similar feelings with someone else to accompany and share.

Today i came to know that i am replaceable, whenever i used to read the mail with the message regarding replaceableness attitude at work i used to think how can i be replaceable?? But then i came to know that i can be, a hard fact is. People move ahead, things will work but you have to take the side line watching that happen. Usually this feeling comes when you retire, lucky that i got it early in my life.

Might be my over attachment to work is making me feel sad about knowing that i am replaceable. Due to one of the few attributes i have got in recent times i have this tickling sensation running through my hands which hurts when it gets severe, i don’t know the difference between being tickled and just having this sensation of something wrong.

I am speaking like an old person rather than a guy in late twenty. Might be it is time to take a different route to pursue. People should love me for what i am. not for what i do to live and what i earn for doing that. Yes i am self-sufficient with myself, but we are social beings we live in groups we depend on each other. So, i do need others love and affection but not acceptance and favours.

So one more closure in my life, here i stop and gasp.

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