Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How Hippocratic are we in the food we eat!!

       We might have witnessed recently a lot of varied opinions or categories or stands taken by the people in the type of food they are consuming. Most of them support Vegan or Vegetarian food who believe that they are not harming any one. Then the counter part of this group says that there is no difference in the type of diet you have chosen, as we all kill to something to eat.

     A new section of people are there who say that they only eat the apple that falls from the tree not plucked.          Which is a different scenario whole together. Chicken is not going to cut it's throat until like an apple. So, one can't imply the principle to all sections or categories of food. 

      If we choose our diet type based on the way of food that we are producing, the product, then we all are stepping on to someone's foot., which is painful and unethical. 

      There is nothing wrong in increasing production. The only thing wrong is the ways or methods employed to do such a thing. Whether Vegetarians or Non-Vegetarians it doesn't matter, we are inconsiderate to the methods employed to generate our food. 

     We speak ethics while eating at the dinner table based on the type of food we are consuming, which always leads to funny endings. Vegetarians unknowingly think that they are more generous to nature, but, the method they have employed is that they are filling lands with chemicals to increase the production.  which in turn is affecting the land and poisonous to not only humans but also animals who will consume the left overs of crop production. 

      The lands post production are nothing but chemical dumped fields reacting to environment and polluting it. 
      While Non-vegetarians are not any exceptions the food the consume which is already half-way polluted by the Vegetarians. As the cows consume the polluted crop left overs, they are in turn injected with anti-biotics and also with new drugs like rBH which eventually affect the muscle. When that particular meat is consumed which is already loaded with anti-bio-tics and some crazy chemicals, we are ending up with lower immune levels and succumb to many diseases.