Sunday, May 24, 2009

shoppin is the only stress buster

we watch tv or we find ads everywhere and any where we our life tellin that we always hav to shop to look gud or to live happily....tat creates needs and that need is to be achieved and our current status or state won't allow to buy or get that..... and this new meta stable state creates a void or stress......

so we think of gettin somethin or becomin somebody which is nothin but getting stress in achieveing them or buying them...when once we do that our stress is no more exist....

So, shopping is a big stress buster... and it is the only stress buster many depend on... and it is not relations...if u buy somethin ur kid will be happy and ur family will,.,... if u make a policy or buy a house ur wife will be and ur family will be happy... our happiness lie in family so we keep on buying..... Buying something for somebody or buyin something for ourselves helps us to stay happy.....

To Buy more we earn more... to earn more we work more... once we work more and earn more,.... they say that u have lot more to buy and u keep on running the wheel..... This wheel helps u to keep u busy and our emotions nullified or neutralised...

That is how things work around us............... it will be a beautiful circle only when u r buyin recyclable stuff... on a planet where resources are finite... and our product making technique is linear not circular,..... aren't we doomed.... think once again before buying just for fun.....

Hopefully, this shopping as stress buster will be busted and happiness will be brought back to us without shopping..........

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