Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Story of two Mangoes….

Not once upon a time, it happened recently in the summer of 2009. That was summer and mercury almost got evaporated and mangoes are on road and every where….

There was this beautiful couple… one day the girl went out and got mangoes. Both are working… Even they had a crazy relationship that revolves around mangoes… One day in the summer where mercury was just raising… and mangoes were on roads again…

These two went out to get mangoes, both with their moms to get unripe mangoes to make pickle… Their mothers told them to get a particular mango, and they both went in and quarreled with the shop guy and got the mango. But, there was only left and they both started fight on that.. then ultimately in the end the girl won and took the mango.

Then while returning back to their vehicles where there moms are waiting. Snatched time to get a mango ice fruit.. actually they both have problems with their teeth as they used to eat lot of chocolates. So, without telling they have to sneak away to get that ice fruit.

There again only one was left out. And this time the guy fought very furiously and got the ice fruit and girl got nothing…

With a disappointment on her face she was jus returning back in the shadows of trees, with sun light jus peeking in like a light ray to know what happened between them. Then a little baby girl was walking beside this girl shown her ice fruit and stick out her little tongue which turned yellow after licking the mango ice and made a face offering the ice fruit.

Then this girl smiled and gave a little kiss on that little girl and felt very happy and gave five mango candies to her. After seeing this that guy who was so happy getting the ice of mango flavor stopped licking and ran to her and offered the ice by getting on to his knees. With this the girl was shocked and gave an expression what is this?

He didn’t say anything he just shown the ice fruit and jus told with his eyes to take it… Everything was dealt with eyes here… She just told that how it is licked by somebody whom she knows seldom.. then he ran near by soda shop and got a bisleri and cleaned it and gave it to her.. By this time the mango flavored ice is totally melted down.

Then she laughed at him and in the last she took that wooden stick and went off and turned back after few steps gave a look with shy ness and a little shock and a bit questionable face. Then hold the stick in between her teeth and jus walked away…

The thing they didn’t notice is that their mothers watching this and they thought it is better to marry them off…

And they both got married and they framed the wooden stick and hanged it in their hall.

Coming to today, she got two mangoes and their usual routine was to enjoy the mangoes together. By the time she came back after freshing up herself she saw two mango seeds on the wash basin and no mangoes on table where she left them.

She was pretty much disappointed and was aghast that he ate two mangoes on his own. She needed an explanation. And she waited for a whole week. She grew more impatient and frustrated at last she broke the ice. Then due to bottling up she opened up like a shaken soda bottle fuming and aggressive. The guy smiled and said we shall investigate… and was jus smiling.

She felt that he is not giving the same level of importance. And she walked out from his life. After few seasons again. Due to global warming there were no more mangoes. And there was a metal tree standing tall as in remembrance written on it “Here stood the last mango tree”. The girl thought with the no more mangoes on earth there is no more love for him and her.

One day she walks on the same road where they met. This brought her nostalgia. Then this guy appears her and runs to her almost in the same way. Then he kneels down and offers her a key. Then she again gives the puzzled look. Then he says with his eyes to take it. She takes it and he takes her hand and takes her to his car and brings her back to the home. Then opens the door and make her walk on to the dining table… then with high delicacy brings a bowl and opens the steel frozen bowl and takes out the two mangoes she brought on that day. Then tells that he also got two mangoes and as she got two he gave it to the kids who were playing there.

On that day they wept again and so savored the last piece of amazing fruit. They kept one aside and they both shared the single mango and took the seed and planted and gave mango to next generations….

Another mango is still stored safely………. Once the earth had mangoes again… they took that out and framed…. With proper storage techniques… Later they lived happily ever after….except that they both lost their teeth due to over eating of ice creams and candies.

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