Sunday, June 7, 2009

How Funny and weird was the day?

As soon as I took bath the motor started working…. And everybody got hot water….

Finished NFSMW tollgate @0.00 and me and my roomie tried it for around not less than 20 times…

On road a dog walked in front of HONDA CITY and looking into driver’s eye it made water on the road. The driver had nothing to do but wait….

While Going for shopping none of my roomie and I know way and didn’t even check google maps… but stared travelling…

New concepts… for making teeth shine… [I found it] If u rub ur teeth with pearls they will turn white… Jus kidding… when the shopwallah told that if u rub pearls against ur teeth u will feel the roughness, then I asked him if we rub daily, our teeth will get white… like tooth paste with salt..something in similar lines… So, if anybody uses this I will sue them……..

We rode around the same circle for 3 times…… and we arrived at same place by taking all possible ‘n’ number of routes……

Charminar is so beautiful…………….. And in old city there is only one rule and it is “NO RULE”.

Got mangoes and they blew in my roomie’s bag and when we found that, we stopped in the middle of the route and started licking instead of checking…. Later we found that his mp3 player is covered in sweet mango juice….

Police were not allowing anything inside masjid. While a kid was riding his bicycle inside it…

And i had an affair at BASIL............

It was raining and we started as soon as we are drenched enough rain stopped….

We got a parcel from restaurant and when offered to the guard… he said that “There are dogs on street give it to them”… we had nothing to say… felt bad for the guard not tasting the tasteful curry….

After reaching back to room….we found out of 6, three mangoes are blown up…. And we extracted juice and had it nicely…

Feeling too much dizziness..... can't help it.........that's post may not sound as exciting as it is......
for doubts ask me :)

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