Thursday, June 11, 2009

One Devil and Three Doves…..

Once upon a time there lived a devil and he had no work… he got bored of his routine…. He introduced new rules into hell. He created more benchmarks. Now, the people who are passing through hell were having the tough time… we usually say that “An idle man’s brain is devil’s workshop”… now what will be the “An idle devil’s brain… ?????”

For the heights of devilishness he started running tutorials for free “On how to pass through the HELL”… And people never went out of the circle of hell… such was the dexterous nature of devil in creating hell…

On a beautiful day there were three doves among which two has learnt flying recently and joined the clan. While the other one is having a bit experienced in the flying. One day when they were flying they were captured and put into a cage and captivated. Then these three got introduced to each other. Then they were set free along with many as a symbol of peace on some auspicious occasion and they fired guns. All those not knowing what to do and where to go, were wandering there itself, got hit and were dead.

Now, they entered the gates of hell, as the Devil thinks that it is a suicide. And all these seven dead doves were interviewed by the devil. He asked few basic questions regarding flying. Actually devil due to lack of work became more devilish and cruel and sadistic.. and….. so on…. Became more devil….

Devil asked few questions and out of seven four qualified and remaining three were sent to out at the gates and asked them to prepare. There was no escape. And to reach heaven’s gates one has to cross the devil’s villa…. Among the qualified four heaven made a call as they were waiting so that dove was sent to heaven while these three doves sat back there. Waiting to prove themselves so that they can reach heaven. They are granted heaven but, this devil is playing games by not letting them know. Screw the bureaucracy.

Being devil the leader of hell many counted on his word. So, he always played with new entries. And new entries not knowing about the rules always obeyed him and did as the devil asked to.

Devil is a great orator, he keeps people spell bound with the analogies. He gives a mission to these three doves to cross the river and reach the other side. They all said it would be easy they can just fly off. Then the devil says, heaven needs hard work and dedication and proposes them with new plans to cross river. One to build a boat other to row and other to navigate and three should change their roles regularly.

What a pity and sorrowful moment for doves that can fly are actually rowing…. Now devil enjoys as they toil in that turbulent river….Now he sets the forest ablaze and asks the doves to fly by finding clues like a race in the forest. One of the dove asks that “why can’t we fly the other side the mission aim is to reach the other side of the forest only. So, by flying non-stop we can reach easily and safely”. Then devil says “it is not impossible but you will never know what lies in the forest so u has to stop in between”. So, the poor doves after a tire some rowing they went on to this new mission and burnt their wings.

Once they reached the next point… now the devil says to them to run across the ground and find the food grains which he sprinkled over the track on a mid-afternoon during mid-summer… then another dove asks, “why can’t we fly it would be easy enough as we got nice eye sight”. Then the devil says “no no… from top you can never identify it correctly so you have to do this. If you speak against me you will never reach heaven”.

With this kind of brain washing and the scary talk they forgot to fly……

These were the tasks given to them and one day one dove finds a escape from hell and flees away while the other two are still at work to satisfy the weird demands of the devil. And now they don’t even remember that they can fly. They are not pets, now they just became the toys to satisfy the devil’s ego which will never gets quenched. And the devil got more new incoming souls. And with no work he is making them do weird unworthy stuff turning them into something which they aren’t……….

**************This is not the status of current WORKPLACE***************

Think twice before you give your word. It is most precious, once given can never be taken back… such a sorrow we get…

If u are in a team let everybody may raise their voice and take the correct decision for team and don’t alter it for the any one who holds power………

Warning: I hold my word that this is purely a fictional story based on my assumptions and it resembles to nobody. If it resembles it is pity and coincidental.
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