Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gnan of the month

ReLaTioNShiPs aRe OfTeN So ComPleX (nd ConfuSed at tiMes) thaT PPl Don'T haVe TiMe/EneRgy to ExPlaIn in DeTail.. nd more than that LisTeNerS don'T haVe da PatienCe/TiMe/EneRgy to LiSten and LaTeR ReMeMbeR all the ShiT!! thuS enD Up UsinG the SimPle WoRd "LOVE" - ThaTs WhY MoSt of the TiMeS LoVe Doesn't MeaN a ThinG !! It is jUsT a MeaNInGLeSs, SenSeLeSs, WoRthLeSs, SouLleSs WoRd...
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