Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Job is to give BJOB

I always took pride for being a techie working on nanometer technologies, and also to be on the few troop of few elites who does hold such jobs. You know like superheroes great responsibility comes with great rewards, I do enjoy my rewards. But there must be something wrong or offsetting for this experience to nullify the rewarding experience as per the nature’s laws. I was unable to find it then suddenly one day it dawned to me.

We have greater interaction with machines than any other humans we know [obvious that we don’t know many humans] and we do work or run on machines with petaa bytes and quadragint processors. One day as per matrix or Terminator or other movies when machines take over humanity, we will be the ones to save the human race by not letting that happen and continuously keeping the machines in ecstatic/busy state and not allowing it to think and write an algorithm.

We already achieved this by keeping machined by BJOBing them I proudly say we BJOB machines. Again male domination is the one that saved earth. We make multiple BJOBs on a single to multiple machines and what cumes out… Ooops!! sorry comes out of machines are the chips that you all use to survive.

Even if machines get intelligent with out BJOBs they are useless, so they will still keep us alive. So, praise us the physical designers for saving you all and favoring you with chips that run gadgets with which you flaunt and show off.

Your very existence depends on us The Physical Design Engineers. ;)

And we are proud of BJOBs. Without Steve JOBs we still have BJOBs and us to save you from machines.

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