Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Spare time is not FREE!!!

Once upon a time when we were stuck by diseases like leprocy we were initialy started outcasting members who had it and even tried to burn people alive. This is similar to killing a snake or scorpion out of fear. There is nothing wrong in being precautious, But killing the people is not like killing animals. Humans will never turn back and bite you even after saving them like snakes.

And now when we look at that after coming so far from the times when it actually happened, we didn’t change at all. Now also we show the same level of discrepancy and hatred or fear towards that person. But the only difference is, now it is not leprosy it is AIDS.

Getting AIDS is not a big deal at all. Every day lot of people knowingly or unknowingly are being victimized. And the sad part is they don’t know that they are infected, unlike leprosy where the symptoms are visible.

Now we are so badly stigmatized in the ways we think. That people get HIV or AIDS because of sex. and everybody believes that it is bad to talk about sex in India. They never educate a citizen properly and they all end up in having their own assumptions based on the prejudices they built around them. That is directly related to the society around that person and the health of the society. That in most of the cases is in bad state.

Due to this HIV people are thrown out or else hidden. There is saying that “Family matters must be kept secret while the health related details to be shared”. But now we follow it vice-versa. When you are tested positive people wickedly or sarcastically say that you have got it because of your playboy status or what ever and those are the people who throw you out of their circles.

Once being a social outcast and we humans being social people the person will eventually succumb to depression and die rather than of disease. The generations are changing and we are becoming meaner rather than more emotionally bonded to each other. Running the mills where achieving something takes forever which never lets us achieve something for a person with whom we interact.

Show concern to your fellow beings. It can be cancer or aids or anything. a phone call or occasional visits at the cost of your salary or leaves will help their recovery and they will have good memories to cherish. Don’t let the world around you suffer and think that you are having a better life. Allocate time for people who are suffering. Having time for people and sharing and distributing love is not gonna hurt you. Stop running the mill help others and stop being a victim of societal stigmas.

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