Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Few Rules of listening……

Rules of Listening:

1 One should always listen while other pours all the emotions…
2 The one should not suggest until or unless asked….
3 The one should forget about the conversation and should not judge neither the speaker nor the people in his narration on that basis…
4 The one should never agitate the speaker more and have to always take the stand on right side…
5 The one have to be calm and should not loose his/her mental tranquility….
6 After careful listening the listener is not supposed to state his/her own problems….. or problems he/she faced in a similar situation.
7 In this world the flow of speaking & listening is….

Few Examples:

Boss to U…… U to wife……. Wife to house maid… House maid to another House maid….. another House maid to the owner or old lady in the house…. The old lady to the neighbor… and this neighbor to the colleague in the office…. Colleague in the office to his wife.. and this cycle continues….. and ends no where…..

If it is your wife to u….. u to ur friend….. ur friend to his wife…. His wife to ur wife… and again cycle repeats…[This cycle sometimes helps sometimes not]

Ur Dad to u…. u to mom…. Mom to dad…. And again cycle….

Somebody to somebody u over hear… u to ur colleague or friend…. [and if it is useful info] u to ur family…mostly u to ur kid… ur kid to his classmate… if that fellow accepts it is followed or else… ur kid comes back to u and over reacts to ur statement…….

This is such a vicious cycle……..

Few rules to play safe and be happy:

1 Never ask a reason……
2 Never enquire further…. Let the other person speak completely………
3 Never do a thing while conversation,… listen and then act. Don’t react…….
4 Don’t estimate anybody’s character….. Don’t judge anybody easily….
5 Never say except if the other person is ok… that “I expected this from u….or I guessed”.
6 After listening jus pamper them so that they can feel better rather than reacting…..
7 Talk little in between a conversation so that the speaker can feel that u r listening…..

All these are friendly chats…. Implementation of these rules will help u solve…If still not then contact me….
My friend NHP might have done more justice to this article...
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