Monday, June 29, 2009

What happens when you go to fishing….

Long long ago so long ago…. When there were no civilizations and no modern tools and industrial revolution… There was a severe drought… and people were hungry… Then one day they decided to go fishing….. As there was no fishing happening and this was the first time they invented fishing on earth….

As usual the whole fish in the sea never knew this. The only thing they knew was killing each other to survive. So, once when it started:

1 Fish which don’t know about this fishing thing are the victim. They never knew that something catastrophic will happen. So, many of them died. Few escaped.

2 Fish which escaped are panicked and were running clueless… In such a scenario they fallen as preys to other big fish in the same sea… still few managed to escape..

3 The remaining those fish were wandering and troubled as they are out of their habitat and the new environments are difficult to adapt and they kept on wandering.

4 Mean while few other fish took the shelter of the killer fish in the sea itself and helped them to find the fish group of their own so that the killer fish can feed on the group and leave the fish alive which helped them.

5 The one thing even that killer fish don’t know is the little fish which cheated on their group will again cheat on them.

6 Suddenly all little fish are over now the humans went for killer fish. Though it was difficult to fish them out they found a way. Now, even the killer fish is over in ocean.

7 As the human are not finding fishing rewarding they started hunting and farming.

8 So, fed up humans leave the sea to that culprit little fish and few killer fish which managed to escape.

9 Now the whole sea is filled with culprits and escapists. And they alone grow in that vast sea and flourish.

This is the scenario existing in the current corporates. And the one who survives the recession will never make things better when the recession is over. You will become a stranger if you have escaped death. So, similar is the situation. Now no good fish lives and it takes a lot to have them. So, people please stay calm and act with the same old ethics and rules. Don’t change with seasons, economies or opportunities.

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