Sunday, August 23, 2009

What is good with Sati sahagamanam?

If Human history is a mega daily serial.... and this is some Nth episode

Previously in human history………

Sati a ritual done when the husband dies and the woman volunteers or forcibly made her volunteered by others to turn into ashes. It is a cruel process as it involved pain. Might be a little valium or by killing her before hand might have helped them die easily and no pain.

Now, as usual I divert from the topic here now I have this thought that why we used to do that sati. In olden days when there was no internet no jobs for women no reservation for women. During those times what used to happen to be like throwing out the spare wheel when the car u are driving just dies out.

Because there is no more use of it as no more car model which needs it already has one or they don’t fit to the new model cars. And even if they fit people or society I can say, used to feel bad for the car with the used spare wheel. So they used to throw out the spare wheel along with the died car.

The reasons for such attitude of society are:

1 Might be Women are more in population

2 Might be Women are more in population

3 Might be Women are more in population

And for reason N might be they don’t want to have the spare wheel which might have been used once or none sometimes.

It may sound weird but that is the fact I made uppp… and that I think is the truth.

Now, coming to the point those times women when husband dies they never felt the need of living and they do either had options to live like now a days where a woman is no more a kitchen rabbit. She is now and then also can perform the same level of things and works she is doing now. But, none recognized as they never had the opportunity.

During previous episodes of human history woman’s sole purpose is used to serve husband and live for him and die for him. They had nothing but the stress balls that we have at our desk. They were used and with their suppressed egos, opinions and thoughts they had no life to lead. And the women become dumb because of the continuous commands by fellow human kind and male part of the human kind. Because of NLP with such commands they used to loose the identity and when their husband dies they used to be like a kid who lost his ball in woods crying. Eventually the kid goes into woods or sits there crying.

Instead of crying women preferred that dying is a better option so they used to take the option called sati which is similar to suicidal tendencies. And to this suicide the whole community used to support as they now find no interest in that women.

Suppose if the women to men ratio had a different story to tell then there would be men doing sati which would have been called pati.[just for rhyming I know why sati sahagamanam called sati] And now they can’t say it as a suicide they used to think that as an act of love.

If so, every woman who died with her husband would be accredited with the fame of taj mahal as they die for their love. Did that happen? No, it didn’t. Because they used to think of women as a tissue on the table where they can wipe their dirt to that and go out clean while leaving them to dust bins.

Due to the suppression of ideologies they had unknown diseases which used to bug them. And few wontedly do that action to get their husband’s love and affection. That is a different topic.

So, sati is used to be a righteous process during those days where women once married are like of no use. They are not recyclable so they used to burn them.

I do a hat’s off to women now a days. They rose up and doing a great job against the wall and beating up the monotony and making more sections for them in society where they lead people now.

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