Monday, October 19, 2009


Like every time this time also it helped me to be more happy and fun and also take great decisions. From Friday with blue as the first on movie marathon in cinemax it sucked.not only cinemax but also blue.

Evening with eagle eye it was awesome. Then night wake up sid made it more refreshing and riding hyd at nights is fun too…. Check the pictures. Then with lunch at chenna’s home made by aunty was a delight. With main aur mrs. Khanna as a third movie it was fun too. It was a simple movie which appeals more to grass roots of emotions. Next stop at raghu’s place, where aunty made awesome food and we had nice chat.

Then headed back to room too tired watched 21 then finished it on next morning. Then finished mamma mia a beautiful movie. Then went on to finish the marathon by going to all the best which is fun riot and a decent movie too.. and later hot rod… which was slapping destiny on face. :P

That ends the diwali………

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