Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy women's day

Once upon a time long long long ago very long ago…God created men. And the world felt nothing wonderful. They never believed the magic that god can make. Then suddenly to make lives of men wonderful he created another variety of the same species. Their main motive is to make the men’s lives beautiful and to raise hopes in men again to believe in magic.

So, he created them and named them as Women. This is nothing but wonderful part of men. The missing part of men’s puzzled life so that they can complete them. And the world can be more than just better place for men.

As times passed there is a not only change in earth’s temperature but also the attitudes of humans. Now, women and men fight for their own personal interests rather than what they are made for. So do they need women’s day or men’s day? I don’t know when both are the two pieces of a puzzle what’s wrong in celebrating separately. :O

Any how happy woman’s day… and it doesn’t mean wearing a saree… Women is not just saree and few games. They are lot more hope atleast the woman day organizers know it…