Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thought of the day-2

Love nd StoCk MaRkeT are SynoNyMoUs, I SaY !! BoTh aRe ToTaLly SpeCuLaTiVe.. HaVe UnExpeCteD Ups nd DoWns nd OnLy TanGiBle BeNefiT at The EnD of da DaY is SeX nd MoNeY !!! StoCk MarKeT offeRs DiviDenDs.. Nd LoVe has effeCtioN, KisseS nd FaVouRs.. !! StoCk/PerSon May ChanGe FroM tiMe to TiMe buT the CumulaTiVe EffeCt is SaMe !! ReCeSsioNs EffeCt MarKeT in a BiG WaY and So doEs BreaKupS.. !! WoW.. Both are Soooo SimiLaR..
maa chantigadu
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