Friday, July 2, 2010

Why Budha took so much drastic decision???


Last weekend was more than a roller coaster ride. It was like eating Pasta made by coconut oil. It was icky when health took back seat and I decided to go on. It started late and my hurried nature made me miss catch the bus near K.R.Puram and made me roam in Bangalore for three hours which would have been cut short to twenty min.

Listening to normal people:

Journey was smooth nothing but few kids taking nature calls at few spots in the duration while I going through some notes of SeO. I usually maintain smile on my face but that was missing on that day. One guy sitting next to me was an MBA and was referring to a book of communication skills and skipped an interview saying that being an intern for 9 months they didn’t inform him prior and he is being interviewed with all new applicants. So, he lost his job and credibility.

And as usual I gave few free suggestions which might have made him feel bad but I gave with an intention to help him. I hope it wouldn’t have hurt him.

Death & Life:

And I reached my destination late as there was a thorough checking on the way to thirumala and everybody carried cigarettes and gutka packets. Then I reached my sister marriage, late. On the way I saw an old man walking suddenly fallen and blood spattered as soon as I stepped on to the thirumala. I was taken back then three accidents in fifteen min. Now I disturbed being late to reach marriage and to witness all these. Then I thought if I was Buddha I would have found a tree and start meditating. Being a twentieth century Indian I just felt sad that’s it.

Sister’s Marriage, a grand event organized nicely and a meeting place for our family which never took an opportunity to meet on happy occasions and only meet at deaths. This was refreshing and all were having kids so except for simple introductions and few interrogating sessions nothing much. Sister was more than happy.

Search for life partners:

Then it started when I went out for something that old man who was fallen was dead and when I came back the event started so all were smiles and happy tunes. Then started playing dumb charades and I being good at having fun so enjoyed a lot and my family was shocked to see that. And eventually I got a match when the dumb charades are over. That is what marriages are meant I think. Meeting and searching for bride and bridegroom.

Favors for family:

Now being early morning marriage all families as soon as the things are over started to cottages to sleep and few for darshan. I still didn’t get it when they come for a marriage why they always plan something else, Weird people. Now getting favors as I am the younger one like lifting a 30kilo kid for someone km on the hill. That was an excruciating painful favor.

Re-Unions suck:

Early in the morning slept for an hour or two then the cycle started again, Now feeling more disturbed with lack of sleep and waking up from a scary dream of falling I was not in a good condition. And I believe in karma. Which helped me recognize my brothers and sisters who met after 12 years like old movies it was a great union, not for me.

Bragging about everything to nothing:

Everybody started lecturing how to live and how to get slim fed up with that took shrine with my sister’s family for some time. And at one point when being a very rare union all were talking about how great our vamsam is. That was unbearable.


Then left for friends marriage tired, devastated and some hope to have fun. My friend saleem gave a royal treatment for me with ordering separate vegetarian meals at 10.30 by calling his BIL [Brother in law]. Then according to all procedures to follow BIL brushed saleem’s teeth and gave khuran to him. And I slept off in between.

Respect and Food:

Thought of saira banu [Bombay phillum heroin name] but found none. Yesterday saleem had a side kick and a garland around his neck. It gave everybody a non-mistaken identity of groom. Everybody eating chicken and mutton and few of my friends were on the mission to eat. So, most enticing part for many is food at his marriage.

Waiting and Journey:

Then with few more events that were going to close the event. So, we went to bus stop and waited for hours to get a bus and reached back.

Budha had a two day trial something like this he would have become more confused and mad rather than becoming a saint. So do I. that’s wy I neither turned into a preacher and went for a search of knowledge or became insane and started running off.

So lost unable to conclude taking rest today on the next weekend.. :D

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