Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I don't understand....

Few days ago I was at the Autoshow’09 in Hyderabad. I was quite puzzled with the crowd there as they were no different crowd at normal exhibitions. There were lots of counters with lot of automobiles. The vintage section, the Volvo, the Honda, the sudha motors section which are the few of many that were empty all went straight to BMW and Benz section to see the convertibles and other models of them.

At one point of time It was so much crowded that people were shouting and the organizers are kind of requesting on the speaker set to move all out of those two sections so that others can have some time to look upon them.

When I was kid I was mostly excited to see a car and go for a ride in the car. Might be that kind of fascination is no more. I am little tickled with the show and the automobiles there. Which struck to me in the very beginning it self.

Owing or watching an expensive Car on the show leaving all other models is something like watching a model walking the ramp leaving the girl/guy beside u who love u and believes u so much. As the car watching is similar to that they knew that they can’t afford it to buy or even if they get it as a gift maintaining it is a daunting task still they carve for watching them.

They the cars are nothing much from a pile of metal molded into a shape which helps u to travel. Few makers might have perfected it. The BMW and Benz were not even allowing people to stand or touch or feel their car. Which is making them special and people are carving for them.

What is the deal? I still don’t understand??? Why people entangle in so much small and simple… and make things complicated. The behavior of BMW and Benz people wasn’t so friendly. It is a disappointment. They are selling and they don’t know how to deal with the customers….

And people love to take pictures beside cars for their virtual communities. Hope things and people’s realization of truth happens…….
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