Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hinduism and Death

Wearing a veil of emotional untouchableness is a beautiful phenomenon as thought by many and perceived by many. The thin line between the emotional stableness and untouchable nature is little and their perspectives are vast.

Recently I witnessed the post death procedure in Hinduism clearly and near. There was this person’s death and as the plan was to cremate him somewhere else from the point of death, there was this travel phase. Now, everybody tried to stop making the family bemoan for his loss.

I felt bad but still smiled and remained normal and was too normal to be on that stage. [This doesn’t say that some body’s rules and procedures are of greater and best practices]When the procedure started it made the family members feel worse than any better.

They ask the son to call his dad to come back when the whole body is tied up and the body is swollen to the stage of non-recognition. He was unable to take it. While the others like elders in the family took the step to continue the procedure nobody stopped him weep.

The thirteen day procedure is a tiresome and pushes one to the edge of the sorrows. And at one point of time they even fall into the valley of the sorrows. With less food and more mourning from day till night and usually no lit light in the house makes feel more dark and sad. Things grow grim and now the family bonds with each other more firmly helping them to forgive each other for their need of emotional support.

The cremation is such a process they will make the person all male species of humans to watch the burst of skull. While ladies at home never use the stored things to cook. They will be bringing things from outside and cook nothing much than enough to survive. With being glucose levels low, things seem duller.

And as per Hindu culture there won’t be any festivals in their lives for next one year. After these thirteen days they celebrate grand food fiesta with all sweets followed by full cleaning of home. And when somebody misses at home you feel more terrible so they do say that to celebrate an auspicious event like marriage in the death house.

Now, with the burst of all sadness they do feel a little better and when all the relatives leave they will feel better and may need less emotional support.

When u wear curtain the turbulence in you causes a ripple of uncertain emotions and abrupt bursts. When u are emotionally stable u do vent out the emotion but u don’t wear the veil but u will act with logic rather than run by the emotions.

In this process even if u wears a curtain it will be ripped apart for ur own good. Hat’s off to the procedures.
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