Friday, August 7, 2009

What is wrong with corporatism?

I was wondering when I used to hear people saying that they loved their company and living for their company and even backing up their company when it is in crisis. It is something like treating a family member and taking responsibility to solve the issue.

Which is lacking in now a days companies. They do have brilliant HR people working for them. Even with out HRs many companies are able to create the impact of owing-ness to the employees. Now, people are more greedy and selfish to themselves. Everybody wants the same first piece of the cake. There is nothing wrong in thinking that. But, sharing gives u joy. Which nobody cares.

People now work for themselves and only for themselves and that is induced effectively by corporate methods. They are now playing with the greed rather than asking them to do the humanity thing.

These corporate people want profits. While we need hikes. Is that the only reason we are staying together.

There is nothing to blame the system as it is made by us. The people in the system are spoiling the system. There was this mail from one corporate head stating that the rules and regulations once valid or not valid now as we are hit by recession. That means the ethics are not valid and we have to change according to the situations on the basis of profit rather than compassion.

Don’t gimme that word business has no place for human emotions. The products we design and sell outside are taken by some person as a gift, or as a prize for an achievement or as a necessity to survive all these are linked to emotions. And people fiddling with emotions is not what we need.

Ethics and basic fundas always stay basic and strong. When something is built on the basis of profits and greed or fame what ever it is it never stays for ever. Making a difference is not all you need to survive. And difference can be made only when u know something apart from others. That is the truth and people do that. And people do even worse to survive.

When all the survivors of the pandemic are cunning then who else will survive when all ditch each other for their own. We are good only when we are on groups.

The people are brain washed that customers are the ultimate gods. If god has a problem and cutting down his company to half, what else can you do? And say that god itself is in trouble you guys being normal ones have to face the trouble of firing, salary cuttings.

Is that a way to say something? They always say that customer is god and if he can’t take care of himself we can never take care of ourselves.

People love their company and give more and more and more to satisfy not only themselves but also to encourage the growth factor of the company.

Instead of customer perspective they might have told “whatever is the condition we will stick together and continue the sailing”, which they never say. Why because it is not that they can’t it is that they are not ready to take responsibility.

One can never be a great leader and a great visionary to lead with such lack of humanity. It is WE not you, him or them.
Being the second most populated country people say that if you want to go just go. We always have options. Option or opportunity is something when you alone get it. If some hundreds or thousands try for a job then it can never be an opportunity.

In ones life the major part stays in office and colleagues surrounded by them. When all those are driven by the only one thing greed. The word compassionate and passion doesn’t need any more. They all work for themselves at the cost of others. And the whole society turns out like that.

Kids are taught to do such things to ditch others. Now there is no knowledge transfer for knowledge begets knowledge principle, there is only one thing hiding knowledge begets appraisals, benefits, and profits.

I never say no to competition. We always need competition but to enhance and enrich ourselves rather than crippling ourselves without sharing it.

It may sound vague. But all these are inter – related.

Corporates have become the places of no compassion to each other. And making the society do the same. Stop doing the mistakes now foresee the danger and act.

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