Monday, October 19, 2009

Break up letters-II

Hello Lady,

How are you? I know you are doing well. Your name doesn’t ring much in my mind like the first person on the list. And you are the last one. The very big name of yours was always difficult for me to say and I didn’t find anything small to use as your nick name. Usually you use to be stubborn on your nick names. So, I am grateful that I don’t have to get another child to name after you. :P

Hmmmmmm……… what should I write for you? I have decided to tell you how I felt rather than that I can say that it took me a whole year and few kilos to forget you. Actually I knowing that you are inclined into me I didn’t take the step soon which left me being heavy at heart and body.

When I found you I was actually looking for a companion to lean on, and I still remember that those very long chats, thanks to gtalk and prolonged initial conversations on phone which were purely practical. I have to admit that I found you not so much interesting, but, I found that I can rely on you and you can be the one who can help me go through lot of things with ease.

I do miss your attitude of making things easy for me. I do appreciate your generousness and humanitarian nature. I always had the urge to propose to you on the very day you donated blood. But, I kept that urge to myself. Because, I knew it was the great step in one’s life to choose the one as companion. This kept me holding my desire to express. Actually what kept me on hold is the doubt of failure. It was scary and that led me to be choosy.

Sometimes some people are so cool and good that anybody and everybody can fall in love with them. And you are such a person. Your whole family is lucky. And again this time rather than coming straight into your gully and lighting candles for you at midnight to say I love you I called. :P and is again a dumb act but I had no choice left as time was running out.

I might have pursued you or gave hope or belief to come with me If I came in person.. But, that was too late as you got engaged. I was angry, devastated, and crushed and as I came to your city and without you it was more lonely even with my best friends around me I felt alone. Then I understood why people prefer suicide when their loved ones die.

What else can I write? You are a wonderful person. I did like you. If we stayed together I might have fallen in love with you. What made me get crushed is I wove all my life, almost every part of my life around you. You were there always and I just didn’t notice. When you suddenly pulled out I had nothing but a void and all strings of my life dangling in an empty space. I didn’t do anything hasty to fall in love again to avoid total crumble down.

I did crumble down and learnt more. You are such a good feeling. I am not missing that now any more. Yupp, I am happy at least now that I have discovered the good feeling because of you stayed with in me. And I was too busy to blame or carve for some support recognizing it. You are a great passing cloud. The rain you brought on me is working.

Don’t forget, I will for sure make your kids run around my kids. And then we can discuss dowry too :P



P.S: I like you.

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