Monday, October 19, 2009

Break up letters-I

Hi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,

I never thought I will write to you like this. And I never had an idea too… Today whenever I am suffering from lot of emotional imbalance the only name I still remember is yours. You are special in my life. And you will be forever. But, being you special didn’t help you to name my children after you, whom I will be having eventually.

Now, I don’t even remember the face of you exactly. But, when your name still rings in my mind the smile on your face I still remember and also the expression of innocence on your face. When you wrote the reply to my proposal which I made through my e-mail, which is the dumbest act as per my best friend, and it is dumb too…. As I never seen what you felt. I was more concerned of my feelings for you rather than yours to mine.

I grew insecure to write that e-mail after seeing everybody getting paired up. And you being the first one, for me to love or assume to be more than a friend needed for life or infatuation. It is not your problem and it is not at least your duty to fulfill the expectations. I do hat’s off to you as you did correct and lived up to it.

I joined the tuitions, which I never needed, to see you early in the morning at six when you used to go tuition but not the same. I did laugh to the dumb jokes your dad made. I did mail you with intentions of love, not as a friend.

I wept when you rejected. But, after a week, when ever I used to read your mail, I used to burst into laughs. Because of those red lines in the last telling that, “If I ever try to see you or meet you again you don’t know what your dad will do?” I still don’t know what your dad will do??? Who pours kerosene to run his chetak. No offense.

I am not asking you back, I am not asking you to regret [which you won’t], I just felt that this letter should be written. And you said all those famous dialogues from movies of those days. Like: “I always thought you as great friend; You took advantage and wrongly interpreted the signals by me;” and I am happy to say that you never told me that I was like your brother. Lucky me.

Have a great life and I did learn a lesson…. You are special…. There is no need for you to take this on any more.




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