Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chronicles of a Fresher --part1

Ur group of colleagues resembles ur Family

I usually try co-relating what the horoscope says to my daily attitude. Not completely but partially. And not all times too. Then after seeing this in Dilbert comic strip which I daily mail to the entire distribution list I suddenly realized I have formed more than a family. And today it completed the whole with just adding one last person into the picture that makes a perfect family picture.

It all started with day one in the boot camp where everybody is working as mean machines. The aura clung with heavy artillery filled guns like brains. And I being a novice and only known face there is my college mate and he introduced me murali the IIT tag on him made me feel different but he doesn’t seem to worry about it. He is more than casual. In India it happens all the time. IIT means different and treated like highly nurtured aliens bloody prejudice can’t help it.

I was stationed at the gate which let me not to doze off or watch news or play flash games. Then my team formed with great rapidity and struggle. I who always misinterprets stuff made myself look like a egomaniac loosing my self-control which is actually a main effect of break up. Then with a little rough time we all stuck together and recession hit us so bad that we became the formidable five to the recession. And helped each other to evolve as professionals.

Mean while the IITian Murali is quite a chap with lot of energy, he spoke from movies to everything and slowly we got introduced to few more, whose names are preethi, indira and rudrama. Rudrama sounded very odd though she is equal to jhansi in history, but never rudrama found a place for name. Jhansi is quite known.

Then it happened we met our manager whose name is narada and who walks so much fast that his words disappear into air as his walking speed is more than the speed of sound. Initially we all five used to stand at a particular distance, which engineers only can do to grasp what all inputs he used to give while he used to fly on his feet. And we were successful at it and we used to be a team and we worked as one. And this was the first step and we successfully used to get the single sentence he made on the fly and everybody had a word now we used to assemble it and get the info.

The first task was accomplished and we found stunned. The sentence was, “The projects are in pipeline” which we interpreted as “Are the projects in pipeline?”. This made us get a shock and no clue what else to do so left to our rooms for the day. While the war between minds made the air in the Odyssey electrified and people still running the current with their potential… first days of postings… said murali from back and went off with a smile.

Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction. any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. And one can't blame me as you are relating to it.
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