Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Devil in Pinstripes

Yes it is true. The transformation from a grad from IIM into a banker without knowing that he has transformed from a butterfly into devil is the most beautiful transfiguration and the inevitable change is thrilling to put in right words.

Aspiring MBAs and would be bankers must read this for fun. And it kinda astonishes when u being a engineer gets insight of the banking stuff. It was a great delight to read the book. And it does kept me awake whole night and make few more decisions.

I still wonder how greatful one can be to chauffer their better half to the same office. And how dangerous it would be when u are playing hard ball in the office and ur whole life entangles into it. I never tried if god was a banker but I will now.

There were no fantasies hyped in the whole novel. And that is the best part of it also as it makes u feel better to stick to ground and don’t loose reality.

The day started by four with more energy than ever. With lot to finish and did finish more than I thought. And learnt more things in my office.

Great day for me after a night with Devil in Pinstripes.
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