Friday, December 18, 2009

I am dying to write this…

I am dying to write this…
It had been long time….
It all started with a fever in October. And later jayeebhava and bumper offer on a weekend to watch and a friend paid a visit… so planned for bumper offer with my friend on my roomie’s bike.

And accident happened like this.

I am smiley.. an innova took a U-turn and it’s mud guard came off it and came across the road and came under the bike… while I was imagining no less than NFSMW I rode fast thinking that my hitting would make it roll like shown in ads though had fear inside so applied brakes and tat helped to skid easily and fall…

Then I thought of writing then itself but didn’t. I am dying to write this…

And next week my roomie cleared SAJP certification.. as far as I remember. In the same week I changed my stream from verification to physical design, which happened to because of business requirement not my talent.

Then I had acute supporative otitis media which is in normal words severe ear pain… with physical design training going on one side and pain on enduring on other side I didn’t notice the developments in my life. I grew slim because of swimming and pain. Which again reversed. Then I am revoked to my full salary. I flied all over from Hyderabad to kochi sponsored by my employer. There along with training we had graet trips into athirapally, mazhakapura then azhapuzha…

Then I thought of writing then itself but didn’t. I am dying to write this…

Then came back to Hyderabad that is in turmoil and I found my room empty and vacant.. and not comforting as I see my roomie is not there who got transferred to Bangalore. Now, with nothing to do by waking up early in the morning previously used to go to swimming. I start early to my office and come out late by 9.

While my new roomie is a guy who works at nights.. leaving the void and making me sense the loss of my old roomie. And with my current volatile state of volatility I am half packed. Watching arya 2 thrice for friends and with friends was fun. Though third time I dozed off.

Then I thought of writing then itself but didn’t. I am dying to write this…

In the whole period I didn’t miss a movie either in kochi. Which is my new addiction. With 2 states finished in a day. Or hardly 6 hrs. got news songs into mobile. And procured my new data storage bin. With none to share, it is always a void so decided to get married for which I am not ready. [I was never ready for anything from school to college]. So with girl friend options seemingly less in the current global financial crisis nothing left but going to arranged marriage.

And don’t know this time what all are in the box. Every time great things happen after a great pain in my life. This ear pain was one of those joining the line of incidents like burns, broken tooth and severe fever after four years. Let us see then… what else is there.. :D

AVATAR a visual treat and a great movie too.. and lot of things in the movie will surely go over the head with people who are not well-versed with englipeese movies. people can't make it gripping because of the problem with the characters. many might have seen such movies of rebellion. like district 9 and avatar and lot more are on the same line of stories. so, that would have been a problem. But, still it was worth for the first show on first day.

Now I am dying to nothing… eventually I happened to live…. After writing this… so.. that’s it…. A lot can happen over a month :D and also a coffee.. so going for a coffee bye…

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