Saturday, January 30, 2010

15 movies 30 days….

It was not much fun to watch in such a short gap and neither affordable. At Hyderabad even with telangaana gaana chalta the movies ran and I covered a lot. And with friends it was always fun. Though this is the only time I covered all with friends I am kinda petrified about my taste and enjoyment of movies in future.

Due to tight schedule running, which made me cover 3 movies…. And after getting transferred from Hyderabad to Bangalore the cost spent on a movie raised enormously… and the movies used to stress busters but later they started giving me stress rather than entertainment.. Nothing tickled my senses…

Untill today… after all these

Arya-2 [3]

Avatar [3]

3 idiots [3]

Sherlock holmes

Adurs, namo venkatesha, ayirathil oruvan

Ishqiya [2]

Avatar is kinda art performed that only helps you feel like you were on a vacation rather than like a movie making you go through a ride of emotions. So, all I can say that it is a trip one must have nothing much than that. While arys-2 is partially good one,as a whole it is not much. While 3 isiots is fun to watch once with friends except for the speech scene nothing makes you Roll on the floor with laughs….

While Sherlock holmes is a decent try. Could have been made better. While adurs I didn’t enjoy because of the fatigue. I still rate it avg. while namo venkatesha after an ample sleep not a bad one but nothing much to brag about.

I still don’t know why pandyans and cholas fought… first half was decent… second half was a pain.. because neither I got what reema says. I seldom care who ever fought in history.. so nothing much was good… and production values are high doesn’t mean ladies talking more derogatory words…. Few things are good but not much to offer… it was deafening deadly silence that will help u to feel weird when u leave theater… so I have no rating to offer for that..

Ishqiya is the only one that tickles…. Everything seems to be for a reason… and dil to bacha hain will top my list for best choreography… ;) sucha nice song…. Movie is a decent flick… and after almost watching it back to back… I felt more better… I felt like I have seen a movie… It cannot be rated as fantastic but babbstic…

Great movie don’t miss….

After this everything. All I am left with tamizh padam and goa…. So… hope this time… things may turn up more entertaining…

And thanks to my roomie for supporting by giving company for all these movies and to all friends who came from abroad :D and Mumbai especially…

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