Friday, February 5, 2010

Striker—A wasted effort…

My anticipation is met. Siddarth got a taste to choose the topic. If the director has a story to tell for 2.5hrs or 3 hrs why trying to cut short and make a movie where neither the characters make a connection to you nor the expected fast screenplay which should help sags. As there is no connection made with audience.

An awesome concept wasted. A little home work would have done better. Barber shop without walls doesn’t make us feel like 1977. Music is such a splendid work done by so many not at all used and the characters giving their best doesn’t help the movie.

At some point of movie you don’t have a clue and the title and publicity is pretty bad. Caroms do have a link to the story but that is not the end. If executed well it would have been on next level. With my name is khan’s aggressive campaign you just can’t expect this movie to run more than a week. Nice effort but not enough.

All I can rate is 1.5/5 for this. That is for the subject and actors. Publicity is bad and PVR people in Bangalore are reluctant to put the movie on the pamphlet that gives info about show times and was turning off the dolby to make you feel more worse.

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