Monday, February 15, 2010

The Valentine’s day..

The most anticipated one. I always miss a point and start thinking on the next day of it. That if u can’t have a girl friend for the whole year why would you expect somebody suddenly comes up to u and says I love u. does one needs time to express their feelings…Might be the soreness in my soul being a loser of not having one might have been making me saying this. I don’t know, but the fuss about the in india in televisions and other media and shopping makes you have a different day than routine.

And I am enjoying it. Now I just woke up with no hang over but the sleeplessness due to last night. No need to guess anything my whole week was a workadopic week. And I am still exhausted. My coming back online is not helping me to re connect with my friends as I am busy… no I am not busy I am tired and now the only thing that satisfies my ego is my work at my workplace.

Later on the very Vday my roomie decided to shop we had a good shopping day then came back as usual headed for a great restaurant to kinda pamper our hunger. And everything in the Blore is busy it seems. All semi costly and normal places are filled and queue was there. So, we thought if u go to some high paying one u can grab a table easily so we headed to infusion which has a lounge and bar and food too.

We forgot that we entered into a wrong place in wrong time of the year. Suddenly when the door opens you can see a angel the ambience was perfect and the girl when turned towards us all the soared hype went low but she still looks seducing I didn’t get the funda in dressing like that. She waved her hand blissfully and shown us the path to the table.

Dimly lit and all corner seats occupied, we both occupied the table in the middle of the room. Karaoke is going in the back ground. Then she came back with a lighter and almost offered us, but she stopped and bent over tried to light the floating candles kept in wine glasses. Then suddenly everything became clear as all turned their concentration towards us knowingly and unknowingly. Then suddenly I asked her to not to lighten up the candles.

It is a valentine day and couples come out to hang out which eventually is going to lead to snuggling each other in bed. We are out into a wrong place as everybody thought we were a couple. As the candles are not lit it was easy to give away the message. Though we were more than hungry and hurrying to stuff our mouths with food, the food never came in a single shot. As it is a valentine day they are taking their own time to make food and serve. Though one or two table people are restless for the delay many are happy lost among themselves.

The ambience turned violent with sudden screech in the mike as people stared karaoking is like crackling in your ear. After a long island tea I had a doubt that if someone dressed up so much seductively how the male part in the couple can concentrate on their own, speaking technically.

Later we decided enter into the lounge and see it. There were no more than two girls already half high in booze and waist low in jeans. Whatever is done by anyone in the lounge were getting claps and appreciations from those girls so every male human being almost took a chance to show off and started singing which was irritating.

Any how we just escaped the semi-goddess of seduction and came back and slept separately….. but, food was awesome ambience is good for a normal weekday or weekend. Prices are a bit high but still not a bad option to consider. The quantity was also impressive.

That was valentine’s day for me….

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