Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hot water cools down faster than Cold water

I am very fond of Landmark it got lot of books and so I am used to it in Bangalore forum. And as I being a semi book-worm I always buy books there. And the cover which they give always had nice quotes and facts stated on it. And sometimes my family used to spend around one hour discussing them which is a sign to show that landmark succeeded in advertising.

But this is not about the marketing or landmark this is all about a quote on it. There was always a quote that made me go perplexed it is “The hot water always cools down faster, rather than the cool water”. I wondered that what is so much special in this. Always something that is high above the normal temperature tries to retain to the normal state so it always have to lose lots of heat before at higher rate as it is in hyper state. While the cold water is always near or at normal temperature. So it doesn’t have to lose at higher rate.

And this argument keeps on going and also got a name called “Mpemba effect”. You can find lot of things related to this online. Here the point is yesterday I got a tricky appraisal from my manager. That human being said that I am a better person in the recently joined group, but not the best. I might have said No, that doesn’t mean that I said yes, but I have said something which is not what I wanted to say. I suddenly had the urge to make myself the best. So didn’t say anything.

Like water, few phenomena are inexplicable. And generalizing the standards for all liquids is kind of insane. That is what it shows. The best or the better are always relative. As I always mention the world is relative. Relativity helps you to put ahead or behind of the crowd. But, it never helps you to see the whole you as a separate entity standing alone. You have to excel in all the possible ways to make yourself more equipped with knowledge. Not with trophies or awards or appraisals.

In this path of appraising one has to compare. And I hate being compared. Because at school you are compared and at college you are being compared and at grading you are being compared and it continues. I am not out from theater after watching 3 idiots. But, I believe in this funda from long time. A person’s value is never measured and cannot be. I getting praised don’t mean that somebody is bad.

Like the water everybody has their own ways of cooling down. And no single theory can help them to compare. It is like comparing oranges and apples or comparing an archer to a swordsman. But when you need vitamins apples and oranges help to maintain balance neither can be neglected and in war also same neither swordsman nor archer has to be neglected.

That one statement is not gonna change anything. But, I do love to quench the thirst of knowing the unknowing rather than for appraisals. The whole write up seems to be like a speech at some spiritual thing. I am not a saint or evil but I am pure human and this is the way I believe to live.

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