Friday, June 19, 2009

The difference between words Friendship and Love…

One day as usual one of my friend who is into a little turbulence in his life messaged me to know my take on this topic:

Q: “Is Friendship so feeble a thing that it has to end sometime and is Love the only ever lasting glory…”

X: “Friendship and Love are not to be defined by the very meaning of it…. It is actually defined by the people who are involved in it. There are friends who stay life long and love that breaks…. It is basically the people who are involved in that make the difference nothing else….”

ME: “when the very definition depends on persons who r in love or friendship then it makes that every person has their own definition of Friendship and Love as they have the power to choose the person in that relation. And their needs and demands give new dimensions to those two words.”

Now Q says that,

Q: “Friendship has got limitations while Love is not… they both are two separate different arenas filled with different kinds of emotions.”

ME: “According to me there is nothing feeble or Glorifying in this world and I condemn the very basic definitions of Love and Friendship. Everything is Perspective in this world. And to me as mentioned above love and friendship are defined by their own needs.

Everybody wants a emotional support, and to have that emotional support we lean on other humans.. and take their support to stand straight in the society… which is built again in a false bubble of expectations and rules… and more materialistic things… while being in a relative world we always compare us with some body else to feel secure about us or our position. Rather than thriving to be ahead on ur own and setting goals on us by us… we always set goals for others and our decisions are influenced by others.

And people call Love a Glory because to satisfy themselves and also the other person to show that they are the higher priorities in their life. So, that ones ego is satisfied. We categorize people based on our needs as Friends and Lovers. And we reveal partially to both of them. We hold secrets to both… and to satisfy the society and our ego and the love’s or friends ego we maintain certain distance among each others…

Nothing ends until or unless we want to end it. Because we have found a better emotional back up or support that satisfies our ego. And sometimes we continue to sail on both boats so that we get the full emotional back up… and to satisfy our ego we lie to people in both relations… Once, the boats sailing together now sail apart. By making it difficult to make the voyage of one’s life any more peaceful. As we keep the keys of our happiness into others hands to satisfy their ego…

Neither Friendship nor Love ends… they are just needs we wanted and proclaimed them by not being fully truthful to us. You cannot blame the other person, if you are not hundred percent truthful and committed to ur relationship with the other person in the relation.

You are always the key to choose…. So, don’t make a wrong choice.”

Actually this chat went one sided… expecting others to continue… here…..
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