Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shopping is a Stress buster

Shopping is not the fag end of life any more. It is the motivation; it is the essence and need of the life. It is the only one everybody can rely on as it will be always there for you whether you are sad or happy or even if the fur flies with someone u love or icky or what ever your emotional state is. The only one that is the savior for you to settle your flying feathery emotions is shopping.

Therefore one can say it is the ultimate stress buster. So, when you don’t shop for a month, don’t tell me that you are free from stress. Try this once and let me know. Shop for your whole month and stay home every weekend and do nothing except watching tv or what ever you want. Try to stay not even buying a gift for yourself or for your friend on his/her special occasion. Even if something very urgent and needy comes up like medicines ask your friend to get that but you never shop.

After a month you carve so much to go to a mall and buy what all you want and tell me that how happy one can be. Why is it so great to shop? Why is that we always work so hard to buy something? Or end up paying for what we have bought. The first answer comes into your mind is that for needs, then sometimes comfort, then sometimes luxury.

And many times we don’t recognize that even beyond all this the main reason would be stress, guilt or the words like those. To satisfy the ego we usually shop. To follow somebody’s lead in fashion we end up buying. I am not telling that buying clothes for every festival is wrong. I am telling that whether needed or not we buy for those occasions.

Why so? The gospel truth is that we always work to buy something and once bought the tv says that something better is there then we go again and buy. Again go to work. Then again buy something because your friend or neighbor had. Sometimes to feel yourself better as the person you admire you buy things that he wears or he suggests in ads. Again go to work. When you buy something every body in your family will be happy. And for that we all wanted to board the gravy train.

Now that your whole family is happy on these new purchases you go back and buy. We make kids to do the same again by indulging them in the materialistic things. When the whole world is working—then feeling bad about something—then going for shopping. And this is going on and on again.

Here I am left with nothing…. To write much… so it ends here…. Hope the shopping stress buster won’t suck you down… and if you don’t shop, don’t get stressed///