Wednesday, January 11, 2012

When I started searching..

First of all why I started searching for something is, because in movies which run in multiplexes because ppl who watch them are in a zone to have time and afford the concept of serching something. In those movies they say that you are made for something, and you need to search for it. As currently you are ended up into wrong profession with a wrong girl friend or wife [mostly not wife in Indian movies as it is not coenvetional] and even a wrong family. But the only best part is you have good bunch of friends.

I being an engineer got this question in first place. When so many things are wrongly ending up for you why you still have good bunch of friends? The answer is simple that either person is just got bored about the monotonicity in his life and just to hang out he/she choose someone with whom he/she can do what ever he want. When the same person is back to regular life, he/she is happy to lead the life and it is socially and pschologically acceptable. That means friends are use and throw tissue types. Again exceptions doesn’t make rules. If you are not one of them Don’t worry.

OK leave that part, as by stating above statement I might have already stepped on to so many peoples’ toes. Now hero and his gang go to some place which we never went. Which creates the curiosity among the us who watch that movie of trying the same things. And suddenly they realize they may end up doing the same thing, so, they do the same thing but not in the same palce. So, that they are not branded as being a copy cat.

And the worst part is every trip these guys make some one or other will get a soul mate. I don’t get it why they always find on trips rather than in the office or a PG next to them. Which is according to me has more probability of making a relationship. I don't see any chicks on my trips who are single in my country.


Stop cribbing about what you do, because it pays you to make the trip.

If you can’t find a chick in your 95% of life where you live. You can never find one on the trip. Again exceptions doesn’t make rules.

Doing things that you like is good. But, not what they show in movies because you think doing them will make you look like cool guy. And more importantly not at the cost of your family or friends. Eventually you will make them as the people who pays bills for you and you end up having loan rather than love.

Don’t give me risk bullshit. Risk should be calculated. And steve jobs got lucky and he made stuff what people like but not what people need. Dennis ritchie is not lucky he just did what he liked. To be Popular you need to be lucky and know the pulse of people. To stay happy you need to know what you want not at the cost of what you have now.

Stop buying phones/laptops because everyone has it.

Last but not least, Don't marry because it is age[are you a fruit or what], or all your batchmates are getting married[Is it school or what]. And you have a love affair keep it like that. why marry if your love is strong.

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