Sunday, October 4, 2009

Is that the reason... or is there a reason

The days are running the same run; my new learning is no more helping me in any way. Something is missing. I don’t understand till now why it always happens. When I want to think of it and try to search a pattern all I was able to find is a protagonist in a movie getting restless because he is missing love or he is in need of love or company.

Is that all? I questioned myself. I being always wanted the cycle of life to be different is falling to the same desperate traps set around in this materialistic world. Why does everybody needs someone for everything. Why. Why……..

Are we so dependent? Or is depending making me feel imprisoned or surrendering the ego. Am I scared of the fact that you have no more thick friends to hang around, and the one whom with you are not sufficient? Why people usually not care what they have at their hands and chase after something beyond their reach.

I evolved myself for an N number of times why is this time I am so restless. Is the only way to end this suffering is to get marry and get into the circle of life and run the never ending run without looking around and doing nothing. And when you can’t run any you again feel the pain. Why should have everybody has to marry.

Why one needs a companion. Is that compulsory? The whole structure is such that you can’t live a life as a loner. The world around us keeps us pushing and pulling and making the person feel alone rather than appreciating the path of loneliness.

All you need is a fat purse and partially good health to get married. Fat purse will help you always. While good health may keep you running. Even if one gets sick the thick paper in the wallet will help the person getting out of it.

By the time you actually find someone you suitable you are in the run where you can’t turn. Why the bloody diplomacy and power playing with the other person? So, that you can have no issues with the new one to mingle with the existing old family.

Lie is a natural beauty while Truth is a stark one. Lies help you always the only thing with lies is that you should remember with whom and when and for what you are lying. Why built something in such a manner? Why can’t one rely on other and speak truth? Why should one feel so nothing, why does one need some one’s bloody company?

Now, I have decided to run the circle I am left with no clue why I have chosen that. And left with this in my head.

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