Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Identity crisis

All of us know about the zebra in Madagascar. It was happy, crazy one among all the characters who want to try something new. Then suddenly when they visit Africa in the sequel, it faces a identity crisis and it can’t stand the zebra crowd any more being a zebra. Though initially it was happy to see it’s family members slowly the fun fades off. As it is no more having a noticeable identity to brag about.

Most of the Human beings are no different from the zebra herd we have seen in the movie. They all are happy to be with their family but still want not to lose their identity. Now they crave for that extra attention that is what helps most of the people to excel in careers, perform difficult tasks not to please themselves but to quench the urge of being noticed and special.

What they don’t know is eventually all are doing the same thing. So, that they are always in the lime light. [This concept is generalized because most of us follow the same pattern. And exceptions are there but they are not considered for making rules].

Things you notice when people face such crisis of identity and start working towards nullifying it are:

Like having a caller back tune.

Initially having a ring back tune used to be the one that helped you to stand apart from the crowd. Now the difference in having a nice ring back tone and having a weird ring back tone makes you stand apart.

The problem is nobody can never be satisfied with what they have and the mirrors they see themselves are others opinions about them which are prejudiced. People can’t take up with the versatility for long time so eventually they will go back or withdraw and announce that as a new trend.

That’s why until or unless in a relationship if two persons don’t have a strong common point to share they can never stay together. The only way now a day’s keeping a couple together is social pressures rather than the common interests they have. It doesn’t mean that they should share same things from salad to sheets. It is the one strong point that has major share in their lives which keeps the people and bonds together. They may drift apart for some time because of identity crisis, but the strength of the commonality among them keeps the relation alive.

That’s why in our hindu culture [here I am not mentioning only this religion because I know only about this :D] a couple is separated in a year for some duration so that they both know the value of each other and that will keep the relationship health fully high. So, in this period their identity crisis is nullified being separate and they both know the value of each other and respect others uniqueness.

Hope we shall see a better trend in future.

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