Saturday, November 5, 2011

GODs [Good Old Days]

Today was one such day when I have decided to go back to my old and most lovable hobby, which is none other than blogging. Then I was searching for some good topic which I don’t do, but then it stuck to me that when I was in search of a topic I remembered how spontaneous I used to be to when I used to blog.

There was bryan adams summer of 69 playing in background so, this led me to say to myself that “those good old days”. Then started wondering, when you say those were the good old days, what did you meant exactly? Does these days you are living now are not so good to cherish about or the days you are living are way better or these are the best days you are having compared to old days. When you have said “GODs” they included the most embarrassing moment to most heart-warming ones.

Such varying emotional experiences are always happening. So why can’t we say or at least feel that we are having a good time. In general most people when they use the phrase “GODs” they never cherish their current day scenarios, sometimes they are worried about the current ones and dwell in the past saying that they were good compared to now. Again after few years they turn back and say those were the best days because of someone or something, which are currently not so glittering. Even in the worst conditions people always have something to feel good about their existing scenarios and that feeling good about something makes the days good.

This flawed system of ours, where we compare ourselves to feel better is always complicating rather than allowing us to savor the moments where we live. So, all it needs is a slight change in perspective and a little insight into ourselves to see things as they are and how better we are. Keep smiling to make every day a best one. So that you can turn back in life and say Good Old Days in faith that now you are having the best.

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